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Castello Hansen, Felix Flury, Theo Smeets, Marie-José Van den Houdt. Paula Crespo. Jim and Steve, aka CITRUS. My students over the years, for giving me the opportunity to review my own prejudices, preconceptions, mistakes and teaching techniques. My Norwegian colleagues, Heidi, Leif, Danuta, Anna, Ingjerd. A special debt of gratitude to my teachers, masters, gurus, idols: Peter Skubic, David Watkins, Fil, Dante di Lilla, Mestre Jaber, John Grinder. Lastly, in spirit, Renzo Ildebrando, Onno Boekhoudt, George Carlin, Raúl Seixas, Mestre Paulinho.

Site Font "Inconsolata": Ralph Levien. Postcon logos: CITRUS.

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